

  • Libre
  • AmigaOS

AmigaOS is a family of proprietary native operating systems of the Amiga and AmigaOne personal computers. It was developed first by Commodore International and introduced with the launch of the first Amiga, the original Amiga 1000, in 1985. AmigaOS is a single-user operating system based on a preemptive multitasking kernel called Exec. Its advanced graphics, sound and communication abilities were particularly attractive features for computer users in the 1980s and 1990s. It is based on a library of graphics, sound and multitasking functions called Amiga Intuition, which is integrated with a GUI called Workbench. AmigaOS continues to be actively developed and supported by the Amiga community. It provides modern interfaces for running classic Amiga software and is also available for the AmigaOne series of hardware. It is also the basis for AROS, an open-source implementation of the original AmigaOS.

OS and utilities
