

  • Libre
  • Linux

Antergos is an open source Linux-based operating system that is designed to provide users with a modern and elegant computing experience. Antergos is based on the popular Arch Linux distribution and provides a wide range of desktop environments, such as GNOME, KDE, Mate, Cinnamon, Xfce, and LXDE. It also includes a wide range of applications, utilities, and tools to suit the needs of different users. Antergos also provides a wide range of customization options, allowing users to tweak the look and feel of their system to suit their individual tastes. Antergos also provides a wide range of software repositories, allowing users to easily access the latest software and updates. Antergos also makes it easy to install and remove software, using the graphical package manager Pamac. Antergos also provides users with an easy-to-use browser-based graphical installer, allowing users to quickly and easily install Antergos on their system.

OS and utilities
