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Description is an online backup and synchronization application that enables users to securely store, manage and share their files. It allows users to upload and store their files on the cloud, sync and store their files on multiple devices, and easily share files with friends and family. The application is secure and offers a range of features to ensure that your data is safe and secure. These features include encryption and security protocols, as well as an easy-to-use and intuitive user interface. With FilePup, users can store and access their files from anywhere, anytime, and on any device. In addition, FilePup offers an advanced file sync feature that allows users to automatically sync files between multiple devices and the cloud. This ensures that files are always up-to-date, and users can access their files from any device. FilePup also offers a range of additional features such as file versioning and backup scheduling. Finally, FilePup offers a free plan with 5GB of storage, and paid plans with additional storage and features.

Backup and sync applications File sharing applications and software
