OpenMailBox is a secure and free email service provider. It is a reliable and user-friendly email system that offers advanced security and privacy features. It has a customizable user interface that allows users to customize their inbox, choose from a variety of themes, and personalize their email experience. OpenMailBox also features a powerful search tool that helps users find emails quickly and easily. It also enables users to create folders, organize emails, and set up auto-responders for automatic responses to incoming emails. It also provides a secure connection to its servers, which keeps user data safe and private. OpenMailBox also offers integration with other services, such as calendar, contacts, and tasks, to make it easier to manage emails. Finally, OpenMailBox also provides users with an easy way to keep their accounts secure with two-factor authentication.
It's clean, no ads, and free up to 500 MB. It looks much better than Gmail.
Respects your privacy much more than popular services like gmail, yahoo and Outlook.
It looks like Zoho has an easier way to contact customer support for any issues. OMBx has no link in their email, nor can users do a search and find their support contact information.
Total lack of security, besieged on the https login page, there is none within their service. NO end to end / yahoo to yahoo, security based whatever. In addition to most likely being owned by Google, which is snoopers lap dog, and a data mining company, Yahoo will lock a user out of their free account, without warning. In addition, Yahoo over-inflated storage amounts on a free account.
Startmail, after testing, costs about three times the price of OMBx and even "may be" somewhat more secure. OMB, Riseup, Tutanota, Zoho and other similar email offerings, paying 3 times the price is not cost effective for fixed income users or other providers with economic needs that want to use.
Works great in webmail. Free and secure, and you can store 5Gb free !!! Better than Openmailbox ...
By groverm · Mar 2018
El servicio se ha convertido en un completo disparate y basura. Hay serios problemas con el envío y envío de correos electrónicos. Durante las pruebas con otras cuentas, incluso los correos electrónicos que marcé como URGENTES tardarían de 4 a 5 horas en llegar, sin importar qué. Estoy eliminando mi dirección de Openmailbox de todas las cuentas a las que lo vinculé. Personalmente, prefiero ProtonMail cualquier día en lugar de este cr * p. Tal como está ahora, Openmailbox no tiene ningún propósito. Me alegro de no haberte donado.
By op3nus3r · Aug 2017
Advertencia: Decidieron hacer que la consulta a través de IMAP y POP fuera imposible desde un cliente de correo electrónico desde las cuentas gratuitas. Ahora solo tiene la posibilidad, conéctese a la interfaz web. Y tomaron esa decisión sin avisar a sus usuarios anteriores, una gran falta de comunicación, que promete para el futuro. Mucho amateurismo.
Decent free space, high reliability and data encryption.