GoodNotes is an advanced note-taking and document-organizing app designed to help users stay organized and productive. It allows u...
Rabbit is a secure, cloud-based communication and collaboration platform that enables teams to stay connected and productive, no m... is a powerful diagram creation and collaboration software application that enables users to create professional-looking di...
Notability is an audio and music application designed to allow users to record, edit, and share their audio and music. It provides...
Total Commander is a powerful file manager for Windows that makes it easy to manage and navigate through files and folders. It pro...
Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor software developed by The Inkscape Team. It is used for creating and edi...
Trello is a web-based project management and collaboration platform that enables users to organize and track projects with ease. W...
Mentimeter is an online presentation tool that helps individuals and teams to engage in interactive and visual ways. It allows use...
Sequel Pro is a open source database management application for macOS, used to connect to and manage MySQL databases. It is design...
Canva is an online design platform that makes creating professional designs easy and accessible to anyone. It provides a range of ...
Google Keep is a free backup and sync application developed by Google. It allows users to store, organize, and access their notes,... is a project management platform designed for businesses, organizations, and teams of all sizes. It offers features such ...