Free Hex Editor


  • Libre
  • Windows

Free Hex Editor is a software program that allows users to view and modify the underlying binary data of a file or a disk. It is a powerful tool that can be used to inspect, modify, and analyze binary data. It can be used to debug and fix problems with files, recover data from corrupted files, and reverse engineer software. Hex editors are especially useful for examining the structure of data files, and for examining the memory of a running program. It can also be used to search for hidden data and malware in a file. Free Hex Editor is a fast and reliable hex editor application that can be used to view and edit binary files. It provides many features like color-coding of various data types, support for various data types, automatic code generation, ability to compare and synchronize two files, and support for various file formats. It also has an integrated search and replace feature as well as many other features that make it a useful tool for developers.

Development software and applications
