

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

UltraEdit is a powerful and feature-rich text, HTML and hex editor for Windows. It is used by software developers and IT professionals to edit source code and other text-based files as well as binary data. It also functions as a basic web development tool, with syntax highlighting and integrated FTP/SFTP support. UltraEdit is renowned for its ease of use and flexibility, offering customizable user interfaces, syntax highlighting, and advanced search and replace functionality. It also includes a host of features such as multi-caret editing, line wrapping, bracket/tag matching, auto-completion, column/block editing, and more. It can be used for programming and scripting in a variety of languages, such as HTML, XML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, Perl, and C/C++. It also has a built-in hex editor that can be used to view and manipulate binary files. In addition, UltraEdit offers an array of productivity-boosting features, such as a spell checker, clipboard history, clipboard sharing, customizable keyboards shortcuts, and macros. Its syntax highlighting capabilities are highly customizable and can be used to create custom rules for any language.

Development software and applications
