VisualSfM is an open-source, stand-alone application for Structure from Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) reconstruction. It is a complete system for 3D reconstruction and visualization, from the acquisition of images, to the creation of dense 3D models. It is especially suitable for the reconstruction of large, unstructured scenes or environments, such as archaeological sites, urban areas, and natural landscapes. VisualSfM uses an automatic, hierarchical approach to compute camera poses from a set of overlapping images, and then reconstructs a 3D model of the scene. It is designed to be fast, extensible, and reliable, and can produce high quality 3D models with minimal user input. VisualSfM can also be used to create immersive virtual tours, which can be used for heritage conservation, cultural heritage exploration, and virtual reality applications.
Discontinued The project is no longer updated. The latest versions can still be downloaded from the official website.