
  • Libre
  • Windows

OpenMVS (Open Multi-View Stereo) is an open-source software library for creating high-quality 3D reconstructions from multiple images. It is designed to be robust and efficient, providing state-of-the-art results in a variety of scenarios. OpenMVS allows to compute dense 3D models from images, by computing dense point clouds, surfaces, and texture information. OpenMVS is suitable for both image-based modeling and for the automated generation of textured 3D models from close-range photographs. It can be used for applications such as 3D scanning, 3D printing, 3D modeling, animation, virtual reality, and video game development. OpenMVS provides a comprehensive set of tools for obtaining high-quality 3D models from multiple images. It includes algorithms for image pre-processing, feature extraction and matching, multi-view stereo (MVS) reconstruction, surface tessellation, texture mapping, and visualization.

OS and utilities Photo and graphics applications
