OpenMVG (Open Multiple View Geometry) is an open-source library and collection of computer vision algorithms for recovering the 3D structure of objects from a set of images. It includes a set of software tools for image matching, structure-from-motion, camera calibration, multiview stereo, and bundle adjustment. OpenMVG is used to generate 3D models from a set of unordered photographs, such as those taken by a drone or a camera phone. It can also be used to align multiple views of the same scene, or to recover the camera poses from a set of images. OpenMVG also provides a range of features for analyzing the structure of 3D models, such as feature point matching, camera calibration, bundle adjustment, multiview stereo, and other related tasks. OpenMVG is written in C++ and is released under the MPL2.0 license.
Discontinued The project is no longer updated. The latest versions can still be downloaded from the official website.