

  • Libre
  • Windows
  • Syncthing

SyncTrayzor is a free, open-source Windows application that provides a convenient way to keep your files in sync between multiple computers or devices. It uses a variety of services and protocols to ensure that your files are securely backed up and synchronized across all your devices. With SyncTrayzor, you can easily keep your documents, photos, music, and other files up-to-date across your devices, no matter where you are. It is easy to setup and use, and allows you to customize the way files are synced—such as selecting which folders to sync, setting up rules to ignore certain file types, and even compressing and encrypting files before they are synced. SyncTrayzor also offers advanced features, such as two-way syncing and the ability to set up a virtual network of devices, allowing you to access your files from multiple locations.

Backup and sync applications
