

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Linux

Rxvt-unicode (often shortened to rxvt-uc) is a free and open source terminal emulator for Unix-like systems. It is a lightweight, highly customizable terminal emulator with support for Unicode, X11 and other display protocols. It is designed to be fast, efficient and feature rich, while still being easy to configure and use. Rxvt-uc offers a wide range of features, including: support for various types of terminal emulation (including ANSI/VT100, Xterm, and xterm-256color); multiple window support; a powerful command line interface; support for UTF-8 and other Unicode encodings; support for multiple character sets and fonts; support for tiling and tabs; support for advanced features such as terminal multiplexing, session logging, and extensive customization via configuration files. Rxvt-uc is an excellent choice for users who need a highly customizable, fast and efficient terminal emulator.

OS and utilities
