

  • Libre
  • Mac

Homebrew is a free, open-source package management system for OS X and Linux that allows users to easily install, update, and uninstall applications and packages. It is designed to be simple to use, with a focus on automation and customization. Homebrew is a command-line tool that allows users to install, update, and uninstall command-line tools and libraries. It automatically downloads and installs packages from a wide range of sources, including the official Mac and Linux package repositories, as well as popular third-party sources such as Homebrew Cask. It also supports installing packages from source, so users can get the latest version of a package before it is available in the official package repositories. Homebrew also provides a powerful scripting language called Ruby, which makes it easy to create custom package recipes. In addition to its own package repository, Homebrew supports installing packages from other package managers such as Fink and MacPorts.

OS and utilities
