Fasterplan is a productivity suite designed to help businesses and individuals manage their projects and tasks in an efficient way. It provides customizable templates, project management tools, and task management tools to help users plan, prioritize, organize, and track their projects and tasks. Fasterplan's project management features allow users to define project goals, break them down into tasks, assign tasks and resources, track progress, and evaluate project performance. It also offers task management features to help users track and manage individual tasks, including setting deadlines, tracking progress, and assigning resources. Fasterplan's customization features allow users to customize the look and feel of the app, as well as its color scheme, font, and layout. It also offers a variety of options for organizing tasks and projects, from traditional lists and tables to more visual approaches such as Kanban boards. Finally, Fasterplan includes reporting and analytics features, which allow users to measure project performance and analyze task data.
Discontinued now at See http: //
By robertmosher · Feb 2016
Solo probé esto para programar una reunión desde que ScheduleOnce eliminó sus planes gratuitos. Es un poco decepcionante. Es un poco mejor que garabatear, ya que te permite seleccionar bloques de veces fácilmente. Sin embargo, no es obvio para las personas que lo envían que puede seleccionar un bloque más pequeño de uno más grande. Tampoco facilita el envío por correo electrónico a todos los que responden a la solicitud de programación, ni hace que sus correos electrónicos estén disponibles.
Discontinued Not updated since 2010.