

  • Freemium
  • Web
  • iPhone

Vyte is a cloud-based meeting scheduling and video conferencing platform designed to help organizations stay productive and connected. Vyte enables users to easily schedule meetings, conference calls, and video conferences with colleagues, customers, and partners. It automates the tedious process of back-and-forth emails and offers a range of features to streamline the scheduling process. Vyte allows users to quickly create meeting links and share them with invitees. It also offers a range of customization options such as setting reminders or recurring meetings, choosing meeting locations and times, and adding additional information such as a poll or agenda. Additionally, Vyte includes features for managing video conference calls and recording meetings. Vyte is available as a web application and mobile app, compatible with both iOS and Android devices. It integrates with several popular calendar apps such as Google Calendar, Outlook, and Apple Calendar, enabling users to sync their calendar events.

Office and productivity
