Doodle is an online backup and sync application that allows users to securely store and manage their data in the cloud. With Doodle, users can easily access their data across multiple devices, as well as share it with friends and colleagues. The application also allows users to sync their data across different platforms and devices, ensuring that their data is always up-to-date and secure. Doodle also provides a convenient way to organize and manage files, photos, and documents, as well as collaborate with others in real time. With its intuitive interface, Doodle makes it easy to access and sync data from anywhere, anytime.
No ads, free of charge. Create different types of surveys with ease - scheduling, planning and team meeting become much easier and cheaper!
It has many of the same features as Doodle and treats elements as modular. Therefore, you can remove or adjust them without altering the entire survey or constantly swapping views.
Very similar to Doodle, with no ads, and supported by a community of volunteers. The calendar, plan and team meeting are much easier and sustainable!
The mobile version does not seem as easy as doodle. This is a shortfall if you want to share a poll in a group chat.
Free as in freedom, easy and powerful.
Responsive, simple and open source - gets the job done!
You can choose a design from many themes. You can also vote for the images.
Various types of voting: star rating, point voting, dissenting votes
Does not collect any personally identifiable information, and has an anonymous survey with no trackers according to the ublock source on your website! Thank you UDresden!
Fast, efficient, open, intuitive.
I switched to Xoyondo since Doodle changed their system and discontinued some of the features. It is simple and has a clean design.
Discontinued Not updated since 2010.
DO'ZZ only checks if a single meeting time works. It does not allow you to find a common meeting time.
By jangreengareau · May 2014
Me gusta el doodle y lo uso a menudo. Quiero la misma configuración, pero la posibilidad de cambiar el número de participantes por hora de reunión. ¿Hay algún software libre por ahí que pueda manejar esto? Somos Boy Scouts y usamos Doodle para programar horas / proyectos de servicio y solo necesitamos X Scouts en este momento y X Scouts en ese momento. Doodle debe tener el mismo número de participantes en toda la encuesta.
By piplzchoice · Apr 2012
El proceso de firma puede ser mejorado. Demasiadas opciones que son algo confusas. Al final simplemente no funcionó. El destinatario de mi correo electrónico con el enlace no pudo ver los períodos bloqueados / reservados en mi calendario. He usado Tumble durante un par de años, pero desde la adquisición dejó de funcionar de manera confiable, por lo que estoy buscando un reemplazo, pero el Doodle no pasó la calificación.
By AntonyMalinko · Nov 2011
Muy simple, muy sencillo, muy libre. Hace exactamente lo que necesita que haga :-) Simplemente configure un evento con algunas fechas y horas sugeridas, invite a mucha gente, complete lo que pueda hacer y aparecerá la hora de reunión sugerida al final. Es sorprendente cuánto tiempo de organización ahorra con una reunión de unas pocas personas.
Very efficient with 2 options: choose a date or make a choice. Really accurate.