

  • Freemium
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

BlueGriffon is a web development application that enables users to create and edit modern web pages. It is a powerful yet easy to use WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editor that allows users to quickly and easily create stunning web pages for both desktop and mobile platforms. BlueGriffon utilizes the popular open source layout engine Gecko, the same engine used in the popular web browser Firefox. It provides users with a wide range of tools to ensure that their web pages are up to date with the latest standards, as well as a variety of extensions and plug-ins that can be used to customize the application to fit the user's particular needs. The application also includes a preview mode that allows users to see what their pages will look like on different browsers, operating systems, and devices. BlueGriffon is available for both Windows and Mac OS X.

Development software and applications Web
