BitNami Application Stacks are an easy-to-install free software package that includes all the dependencies and components required to run a specific web application or software package. BitNami Application Stacks include everything from web server software, databases, development frameworks, and administration tools to get your application up and running quickly and easily. BitNami Application Stacks are available for a variety of popular open source web applications, including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and many more. BitNami Application Stacks make it easy to deploy a complete application stack with a single click, and keep it up-to-date with just a few simple commands. BitNami Application Stacks also provide a secure and consistent environment for your application, so you can be sure it will run correctly on any server.
Discontinued The program is no longer updated and the website is full of spam articles. The latest version, released in November 2010, can still be downloaded from the official website.
By RLC · Aug 2016
Bitnami está haciendo cosas geniales con sus paquetes de servidor. Su paquete WAMP es extremadamente limpio, ofrece una selección de marcos comunes conocidos de PHP MVC en la instalación, es relativamente ligero (<130 MB) y no se bloqueó en la instalación como uno o dos más. proyectos similares. Si necesita algo simple, está lo suficientemente familiarizado con WAMP y está dispuesto a probar algo nuevo, entonces se recomienda.
The discontinued SSL certificate expired.