XNA Game Studio


  • Personal libre
  • Windows

XNA Game Studio is a development software application from Microsoft Corporation that allows developers to create video games for the Xbox and Windows Phone platforms. It is based on the .NET Framework and allows developers to create games with a graphical user interface (GUI) and high-level programming language (C#). XNA Game Studio includes tools such as the XNA Framework, XNA Creator's Club Online, XNA Game Studio Connect, XNA Game Studio Express and XNA Game Studio Professional. The XNA Framework provides the basic infrastructure for creating games and helps developers create games faster and more efficiently. XNA Creator's Club Online provides developers with access to resources, tutorials and forums to help them get started and improve their game development skills. XNA Game Studio Connect allows developers to connect with other developers to share their ideas and collaborate on projects. XNA Game Studio Express is a free version of XNA Game Studio and is suitable for beginners who are just starting to create games. XNA Game Studio Professional is the full version of XNA Game Studio and is suitable for experienced developers who want to create professional-level games.

Development software and applications
