

  • Libre
  • Windows
  • Linux

UrhoSharp is a cross-platform, open source game engine for the development of 3D and 2D applications and games. It is based on the popular Urho3D engine and provides a powerful, yet easy to use, development environment for developers. UrhoSharp is primarily aimed at the mobile platform, with support for iOS, Android, and Windows platforms, but can also be used to create desktop applications as well. With UrhoSharp, developers can create immersive 3D and 2D applications and games with advanced graphical features. It supports shaders, lighting, physics, post-processing effects, and more. It also provides an intuitive API for developing game logic, with a wide range of features such as a scene graph, input system, audio system, and more. UrhoSharp also provides a comprehensive set of tools for building and deploying applications, including an integrated development environment, a content pipeline, and various debugging tools. It also provides platform-specific tools for deploying to the various supported platforms.

Development software and applications
