XLIFFie is a cloud-based translation management system (TMS) that allows users to manage and translate their content into multiple languages quickly and easily. It features support for XLIFF, the international standard for localization, and allows users to upload, manage, and translate content in a single platform. It also offers a range of features, such as automated workflow management, automated quality checks, and integrated collaboration tools. With XLIFFie, users can customize their workflows, set deadlines, and manage the translation process from start to finish. The system's powerful analytics and reporting tools allow users to monitor their projects at any stage, and its flexible API lets users integrate with other services and applications. XLIFFie is an all-in-one solution for localization and translation management, allowing users to deliver their content to global audiences with confidence.
Discontinued Last updated 2013 03 13 according to its SourceForge download page: https: //sourceforge.net/projects/translate/files/latest/download