

  • Libre
  • Linux
  • BSD

Weex is a cross-platform mobile application development platform that allows developers to create mobile applications using a single codebase. It supports both native Android and iOS development, as well as web apps. Weex enables developers to create high-performance, feature-rich mobile apps quickly and easily. Weex provides an extensive set of features that make it an ideal choice for developers. It offers a wide range of components and plugins, such as a rich UI library, a layout engine, and a JavaScript interpreter. It also supports popular JavaScript frameworks such as Vue.js and React. Weex also provides a powerful command line interface tool, an integrated development environment, and a debugging tool. Weex offers several features to help developers with their backup and sync needs. It provides an in-app backup system that allows developers to store their application data on the cloud. It also has an integrated version control system that allows developers to keep track of changes in their codebase. Finally, Weex also provides a cloud sync feature that allows developers to keep their codebase up to date across multiple devices.

Backup and sync applications File sharing applications and software
