

  • Libre
  • Web

WebRoom is an online file sharing application and software that allows users to easily store, share, and collaborate on documents, images, and other files. It helps users and teams stay organized and efficient by enabling them to access and share documents in a secure and efficient manner. WebRoom provides a user-friendly interface and is equipped with advanced features such as document collaboration, file versioning, real-time editing, automated backup and restore, access control, and much more. It is suitable for teams of all sizes and can be used to store and share a variety of file types such as documents, pictures, videos, music, and other media. WebRoom is available on both mobile and desktop devices and works across all platforms and browsers. It is designed with security and privacy in mind and offers a range of features to ensure that all user data is secure and confidential.

File sharing applications and software Network and administration applications Office and productivity Social and communication
