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  • Web

WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is an open-source, browser-based 3D graphics API that allows developers to create interactive 3D graphics and visual effects in web browsers. It is based on OpenGL ES (Embedded Systems) and provides an API for rendering 2D and 3D graphics. WebGL supports the use of GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) for creating and manipulating 3D graphics and effects. WebGL applications can be written using JavaScript, HTML5, and WebGL Libraries such as Three.js, a library for creating 3D scenes and objects, and WebGLU, a library for creating sophisticated 3D graphics. WebGL applications can be used for games, interactive visualizations, 3D models, virtual reality, and more. WebGL also enables hardware-accelerated 2D and 3D graphics, which can improve user experience and performance.

Development software and applications Photo and graphics applications
