
  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Windows Mobile
  • iPhone
  • S60
  • BSD
  • iPad
  • Haiku

Software Development Life Cycle (SDL) is a process used by software developers to plan, design, organize, and create software applications. The SDL process involves four distinct phases: planning, design, development, and testing. In the planning phase, developers define the goals and objectives of the software application and determine the scope of the project. During the design phase, developers plan the architecture and design of the software, as well as the user interface. In the development phase, the actual coding and programming of the software takes place. The testing phase involves testing the software for any bugs or issues before releasing it to the public. After the software has been released, it may continue to undergo additional development and refinement.

Development software and applications Education and reference applications Games Photo and graphics applications
