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OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a cross-platform, hardware-accelerated, application programming interface (API) for 3D graphics. It is used to create high-quality 3D graphics for real-time applications such as video games, virtual reality, scientific visualization and flight simulation. It is a core technology of modern graphics processing and can be used in various industries including gaming, medical, automotive and aerospace. OpenGL is based on the C language, and can be used to create graphics on almost any type of device. It supports both 2D and 3D graphics, allowing developers to create realistic images with a wide variety of effects. OpenGL provides access to the graphics hardware, allowing developers to create high-quality graphics quickly and efficiently. It also has a wide range of features such as texturing, vertex and fragment shaders, geometry shaders, shadow mapping, and more. OpenGL is used to create stunning visuals in games, and is also used to create virtual reality experiences, medical imaging, architectural visualization, and more.

Development software and applications Photo and graphics applications
