SuperCopier is a file management application and software designed to provide users with an enhanced experience when copying, moving, and transferring files. It allows users to pause, resume, and prioritize the file transfers, as well as allowing them to see the transfer speed and estimated time remaining. It also provides the user with an option to automatically launch the application or software when a copy or move operation begins. SuperCopier additionally offers the user the ability to create a queue of files, which can be processed in the background and gives the user the ability to monitor the progress of the operation. SuperCopier also allows the user to customize the speed, buffer size, and other options.
to check hashing do not copy file
Discontinued Last updated in 2013, see
Discontinued The project seems to be no longer developed. The latest version, 1.1, released in November 2012, can still be downloaded from SourceForge.
Discontinued The program is no longer developed, but the latest version, 2.85, released in October 2006, can still be downloaded from the official website.
Discontinued The program is no longer updated. The latest version, 4.0.211, released in October 2009, can still be downloaded from the official website.
By naxa · Jun 2013
este programa utiliza tristemente un miner.exe. Primero pensé que era mi servicio de bitcoin, pero mirándolo con el explorador de procesos (Process Explorer), queda claro que es para supercopiadora. Me puse muy enojado. Este programa usó mi CPU para ganar dinero para su creador a través de bitcoins. Para mí no estaba claro, ¡NO recuerdo que me pidieron específicamente permiso para permitir esto! ¡Y no quiero esto! Mi máquina se volvió excepcionalmente lenta. miner.exe estaba usando ~ 90% de mi CPU. Efectivamente, el autor de la supercopiadora me estaba robando el poder para el cual tenía que pagar los cheques. Y también me proporciona una experiencia frustrada con mi computadora. Después de esto, no puedo confiar en este programa. ¿Dejó algún virus extra?
Tal vez instaló keyloggers? ¡Quién sabe!
Discontinued The program seems to be no longer updated. The latest version, 0.5, released in May 2009, can still be downloaded from the official website.