

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

SiriKali is a security and privacy application that provides users with several encryption methods for their files and folders. It is based on the open-source encryption tool known as 7-Zip, and provides users with a wide range of options for protecting and encrypting their data. With SiriKali, users can encrypt their data with a variety of algorithms including AES256, Serpent, and Twofish. The application also offers several keyfiles to protect the encryption, allowing users to secure their data with a personalized password. Additionally, users can use the application to securely store their passwords, and it also provides a secure password generator to create strong passwords. SiriKali also supports multiple containers and partitions, allowing users to secure their data in different ways. Finally, SiriKali provides users with its own secure chat feature, allowing users to communicate with each other privately and securely.

Security and privacy applications
