Set a Time


  • Freemium
  • Web

Set a Time is a web-based application that helps users manage their time and get things done in an organized and efficient manner. It provides users with a unique and simple way to set up and manage tasks, set reminders, and track progress. The application allows users to create tasks with detailed descriptions and deadlines. It also enables users to set reminders for tasks and receive notifications to keep track of their progress. The app also provides different views of tasks, such as list view, calendar view, and timeline view, to help users visualize and prioritize their tasks. Set a Time also provides users with various productivity tools, including the ability to break down tasks into smaller pieces and prioritize them, set recurring tasks and reminders, and add notes to tasks. Additionally, the app allows users to collaborate with others and share tasks. Overall, Set a Time is a comprehensive and easy-to-use application that helps users organize their tasks, set reminders, and track progress. It provides users with the tools they need to stay productive and efficient.

Office and productivity Travel and location applications
