
  • Libre
  • Web
  • Self-Hosted
  • NativeScript
  • PouchDB
  • React
  • Electron / Atom Shell
  • AngularJS
  • React Native
  • Apache Cordova
  • Ionic Framework
  • Node.JS
  • PhoneGap

RxDB (short for Reactives Database) is an open-source database that uses a reactive and functional programming approach to manage data. It is designed to provide an intuitive and powerful way to interact with data in a modern web or mobile application. RxDB is built on top of a popular NoSQL database engine called PouchDB, which provides a JavaScript-based API that allows developers to create, store and query data in a secure and efficient manner. RxDB provides a number of additional features, such as support for synchronizing data between multiple clients in real-time, and a powerful query language to allow developers to efficiently filter and query data. It also comes with a comprehensive set of APIs for manipulating data, as well as a number of plugins for extending the functionality of the database.

Development software and applications
