

  • Libre
  • Self-Hosted
  • Node.JS

FeathersJS is a powerful, open-source, full-stack web application framework for Node.js. It provides a robust set of features for building modern real-time applications, including real-time data-synchronization, an extensible data layer, and a comprehensive set of services for authentication, authorization, and data validation. FeathersJS allows developers to quickly and easily create real-time web and mobile apps that are highly responsive and feature-rich. FeathersJS provides a comprehensive set of core services, including RESTful APIs, websockets, authentication, authorization, and data validation. In addition, FeathersJS provides a wide range of plugins, allowing developers to add custom features and capabilities to their apps. With FeathersJS, developers can quickly create and deploy web and mobile applications that are fast, reliable, and feature-rich.

Development software and applications
