PowerArchiver is a powerful file management application and software that enables users to compress and extract files in many different formats, including ZIP, RAR, 7z, TAR, and CAB. The software also provides encryption, password protection, and backup features. With its advanced compression engine, users can maximize space savings while minimizing time and effort. Additionally, PowerArchiver supports cloud storage integration, allowing users to sync files across multiple devices. Users can also access and share files remotely via a web browser or FTP. PowerArchiver also includes a convenient file viewer, allowing users to preview files prior to extraction. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, PowerArchiver makes it easy to manage and protect files quickly and securely.
Warning Even if the installer is clean after a VirusTotal scan, Firefox and Chrome report that the website is malicious.
Discontinued Last alpha version August 2012 - http://freearc.org/history/changelog_full.htm
Bundleware Tenga cuidado durante la instalación: https://alternativeapp.info/discussions/applications/11718/be-careful-in-the-installation/
Discontinued The project seems to be discontinued. The latest version, 1.3, released in October 2012, can still be downloaded from Google Project Hosting.
Warning The installer will force you to install a malware program, as it is written in WOT (https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/izarc.org)
Bundleware Installer forces you to install a malware program, as written in WOT (https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/izarc.org)
Discontinuado El programa ya no se actualiza. Las últimas versiones, lanzadas en 2012-2013, aún se pueden descargar y comprar desde el sitio web oficial.
Discontinued No updates since 2008
By sesam · Jun 2011
Existen alternativas de freeware que funcionalmente hacen casi todo como los archivadores comerciales. Sin embargo, para una aplicación que uso a diario, estoy dispuesto a pagar un poco para obtener una experiencia más agradable en general. PowerArchiver tiene una GUI de aspecto atractivo, es rápido y admite todos los formatos que usted esperaría. Y tiene algunas características únicas como un cliente ftp, grabación de cd's, etc. También obtienes actualizaciones gratuitas y el precio es asequible, por lo que creo que es el mejor archivador comercial.
Discontinued The program is no longer updated. The latest version, 3.0, released in July 2012, can still be downloaded from the official website.