
  • Libre
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  • Web

NuoDB is a distributed and cloud-based database system designed to give organizations the ability to scale their applications as needed. It is a SQL database that is designed to run on both physical and virtual infrastructures, allowing developers to build and deploy applications that can quickly and easily scale up or down. NuoDB's architecture is based on a peer-to-peer, multi-master and asynchronous replication technology, making it highly available and resilient to failure. Its patented technology allows the system to automatically manage load balancing, redundancy, and failover. The system also provides a robust and secure data layer for web and mobile applications, as well as support for a wide range of SQL standards. Additionally, NuoDB offers a number of tools for developers, such as an integrated application development environment, a graphical user interface, and a query optimization tool, making it easy to build, deploy, and manage applications.

Development software and applications
