MongoDB is an open source, document-oriented, NoSQL database that provides high performance, scalability, and reliability for distributed data storage. It is built using the powerful document-oriented data model, which is more flexible and scalable than the traditional tabular relational databases. MongoDB offers a rich set of features such as dynamic queries, indexing, and sharding. This makes it ideal for applications such as web applications, online gaming, and mobile applications. MongoDB also provides a wide range of tools and services that help developers create and manage their databases. These tools and services include MongoDB Atlas for cloud-based hosting, MongoDB Stitch for application development, and MongoDB Compass for data exploration and visualization. MongoDB is a great choice for developers who need a highly scalable and reliable database for their projects.
PostgreSQL is a relational DB, Mongo is not. Mongo is a "nosql-db", PostgreSQL is not.
SQLite is not document oriented, db schemaless. Other SQL databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) are not alternatives to MongoDB either.
Document store as MongoDB, add joins and transactions.
Better performance, better functionality, better support for mobile applications, better query language, better scalability
By JohnFastman ยท Jan 2017
No es una vulnerabilidad inherente, pero los administradores de MongoDB deben garantizar que evitan las dificultades comunes, entre otras cosas, bloqueando el acceso al puerto 27017 o enlazando direcciones IP locales para limitar el acceso a los servidores. Miles de MongoDBs han sido secuestrados por hackers recientemente: http: // andhttps: // www.
Postgres now has great support for the JSON data type with indexing, which makes it a very good document store, in addition to being the best relational OS DB.