

  • Libre
  • Linux
  • BSD

Lollypop is an audio and music application that provides users with an intuitive interface for managing and playing their music library. It has been designed with a focus on usability, providing a sleek and easy-to-use interface with plenty of features. The application supports a variety of audio file formats, including FLAC, MP3, and OGG. It has tools for importing and organizing music files, creating playlists, and even allows users to tag songs with their own custom tags. In addition, Lollypop has several features that make listening to music more enjoyable. It has a built-in mini player for listening to music without leaving the application, along with an equalizer for adjusting sound quality. It also has a feature for downloading lyrics, and for creating gapless playback for a more seamless listening experience. Lollypop is available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, and can be downloaded for free from the official website.

Audio and music applications
