Hiren's BootCD is a bootable CD that contains a variety of diagnostic tools and utilities for troubleshooting and repairing computer issues. It is designed to be used for system maintenance, virus removal, data recovery, and other tasks. The CD contains a wide range of software from different vendors, including Partition Magic, a disk cloning tool, system restore and backup, antivirus, and various other tools. The bootable CD also includes a copy of the Linux operating system, which allows users to run the software without having to install anything on the computer. Hiren's BootCD is a great tool for anyone who needs to troubleshoot or repair their computer, and it is a great alternative to other more expensive commercial solutions.
It may be discontinued but it is very very useful for many more years !!!! HirensBootCD, for example, is suspended from 4 to 5 years and still its tools are good enough for the jobs.
It has an all-in-one toolset that runs on Linux and another great tool that runs on Windows as well. Plus, all of this is up to date as of May 2017 unlike HBCD!
Discontinued official website not available.
Discontinued Ben has no interest in continuing the project. The forums have been inactive for months.
Discontinued Last version 04.06.2015. See https://www.finnix.org/Download
Discontinued The project is no longer updated and a download is no longer provided on the official website, but you can still download the latest version, 0.1.001, released on April 20, 2013. See the link to the configuration file in the comments.
By martyfox · Mar 2016
Hiren ha salvado mi tocino infinitas veces. Solía hacer muchas pruebas de software en mi PC (pasé a probar en máquinas virtuales) y tenía muchos problemas para deshacer los daños. Aunque está descontinuado, es altamente recomendable para cualquier desastre que pueda encontrar en Windows, incluso si no está demasiado metido con su PC. Los virus, el adware, los apagones defectuosos pueden hacer que su PC se apague cuando menos lo espera.
FalconFour discontinued seems to be abandoned, no more updates since 2013.