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GTED (Global Taxonomy of Educational Development) is an online application that provides comprehensive taxonomies of educational development to help educational institutions, professionals, and learners easily organize educational materials. It also offers a wide range of services which include: 1. Taxonomy Builder: An easy-to-use tool to develop, organize and manage educational content in a standardized way. It can be used to create educational content taxonomies and to apply them to various educational materials. 2. Taxonomy Library: A library of existing taxonomies that have been developed by GTED. It includes thousands of taxonomies from educational institutions and organizations from around the world. 3. Content Curation: GTED provides a platform to curate educational content and make it easily accessible to the public. It allows users to search, filter, and select relevant content suitable for their needs. 4. Learning Paths: GTED provides a platform to create custom learning paths based on users’ interests and goals. It features a powerful search engine that allows users to quickly find educational materials that are most relevant to their needs. 5. Analytics: GTED provides analytics to help users understand how their learning materials are being used. It helps users track usage patterns, user engagement, and other metrics to optimize their educational content. 6. Collaboration: GTED allows users to easily collaborate with others and share educational content. It provides a platform to discuss educational materials and to gain insights from fellow learners. 7. Assessment: GTED provides a platform for assessment and evaluation of educational materials. It allows users to create tests and quizzes and to track the results of their learners.

Development software and applications
