Gaaiho PDF Reader


  • Libre
  • Windows
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Android Tablet
  • iPad

Gaaiho PDF Reader is a free, lightweight and powerful PDF reader and viewer that allows you to view, annotate, search, print, and sign PDF documents. It offers a wide array of features to help you work with PDFs, including an advanced search engine, a document comparison tool, digital signature capabilities, and a variety of annotation options. Gaaiho PDF Reader is a reliable, secure and easy-to-use reader that is compatible with PDF documents created with any version of Adobe Acrobat and other PDF software. It also offers support for multiple languages and comes with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate. With Gaaiho PDF Reader, you can quickly open, view, and print PDF documents, as well as search for keywords, comments, and bookmarks. Additionally, you can use the app to digitally sign PDF documents, add annotations and stamps, and fill out forms.

Office and productivity
