Free FTP is a type of software application that allows users to transfer files from one computer to another over the Internet. It is a client-server application, which means that it uses a client program that runs on the user's local computer, and a server program that runs on a remote computer. The client program makes requests to the server, which in turn responds with appropriate responses. Free FTP is typically used to transfer large files, such as photos, music, video, and software applications, between computers. The files are transferred over the Internet using either the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or the Secure FTP (SFTP) protocol. FTP is an older protocol, but is still used widely. SFTP provides a more secure connection, but requires additional setup. Free FTP is typically available as a stand-alone application, or as a web-based application. The web-based applications are usually referred to as web-FTP clients. These clients allow users to access and manage files over the Internet, without installing any software on their local computers. Overall, Free FTP is a powerful and convenient way to transfer files between computers. It is especially useful for large file sizes, and for users who need to access and manage files remotely.
Bundleware The installer may contain adware. Be careful during installation:
Discontinued The extension does not work in Firefox 57 and later versions. The developer ended support and development of FireFTP after 13 years. The extension still works in XUL-based Firefox forks such as and
Discontinued The program is no longer updated. The latest stable version, 2.0.19, released on November 30, 2008, can still be downloaded from the official website.
By acreoaeneas · Jun 2011
Mi nuevo favorito que ha sustituido a Filezilla. Ya no tengo que lidiar con grandes cargas interrumpidas, dañadas y / o eliminadas. Sigue teniendo un diseño de interfaz similar en el sentido de que las vistas del directorio local y remoto son diferentes a algunos clientes que solo usan una vista remota (lo que me obliga a abrir una ventana del explorador para buscar todos y cada uno de los archivos que quiero cargar). También es un poco Más bonita y más rápida que WinSCP.
Warning Be aware that installing FileZilla on your computer might install some packages / malware on your machine. See this thread in the FileZilla forum: