Enonic XP


  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • JavaScript
  • Docker
  • Java

Enonic XP is an open-source, cloud-based platform that helps businesses and enterprises build and manage digital applications. It enables users to easily create and deploy applications, manage content, and access data, all in a secure and scalable environment. The platform also provides a range of tools and services to help developers create robust and customized applications quickly and easily. Enonic XP offers a wide range of features and integrations that help businesses and enterprises quickly build, deploy, and manage applications. These include the ability to create custom content types, manage content in multiple languages, and add custom code. Additionally, Enonic XP provides an intuitive content management system (CMS), user management and identity solutions, and an API gateway for secure data access. Finally, users can integrate their applications with existing third-party services and tools, such as Google Analytics, Slack, and Salesforce.

Business and enterprise applications Development software and applications
