DD-WRT is a Linux-based open source firmware project developed to enhance the performance and features of wireless routers. It is designed to replace the original firmware that comes with a router, providing more advanced features and functionality. DD-WRT is a powerful tool for networking and administration applications. It offers advanced networking options such as port forwarding, dynamic DNS, and Quality of Service (QoS). It also provides a comprehensive user interface with tools for monitoring and managing a network. DD-WRT can be used to customize a router to suit specific needs and can also be used to turn a router into a wireless access point or repeater.
Discontinued Tomato has not been updated since 2011. For testing reasons, the latest update to Tomate, 1.28, includes in its change notes that it updated the version of dnsmasq to v2.55. DNS Masq is currently at version v2.72. The v2.55 DNSmasq update was released in 2010.
Beautiful and easy-to-use GUI, more suitable for beginners than DD-WRT
Discontinued It is no longer being developed. The latest version, Build 54, released in November 2010, can still be downloaded from the official website.
By endolith · Feb 2014
Hay un millón de opciones y documentación para tal vez el 1% de ellas. Grrrr. Tienes que buscar en Internet para cada uno para averiguar lo que hace. ¿Por qué no simplemente incluir eso en la documentación incorporada? La interfaz es realmente defectuosa, como si intentara agregar un arrendamiento estático y borre lo que ingresó anteriormente. Tienes que desplazarte hacia abajo hasta la parte inferior de la página para aplicarlo o lo olvidará. Interpreta los arrendamientos estáticos en blanco como una entrada real y se queja de duplicados, etc. Los nombres de las aplicaciones en el reenvío de puertos están limitados a 12 caracteres sin ninguna razón. Si reinicio el enrutador, se desconectan las conexiones a las computadoras con cableado, por lo que ya no puedo acceder a ellas hasta que las reinicie. Grr. El tomate es mejor
OpenWrt is more actively maintained than DD-WRT