

  • Libre
  • Windows

DC++ (also known as Direct Connect Plus Plus) is a powerful Windows-based file-sharing application that allows users to quickly and easily share files over the Internet. It is based on the Direct Connect protocol and is a modified version of the original DC++ application. It is one of the most popular file-sharing programs in the world and is used by millions of users around the globe. DC++ has a simple but effective user interface that allows users to quickly search for and download files from other users. It supports a number of sharing and downloading options, including file transfers between users, downloading from multiple sources, and direct downloading from other users. It also includes some helpful features such as an integrated chat client, support for multiple languages, and a built-in media player. DC++ also offers a number of customizability features such as user-defined settings, user-defined interface themes, and user-defined queues. It also provides some security features such as automatic banning of malicious users and IP address filtering. The application is open-source and is available for free.

File sharing applications and software
