BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing protocol used to download and share large files over the internet. It is different from regular downloading where the source of the file is a single server. Instead, with BitTorrent, the source of the file is shared among hundreds or thousands of users. A BitTorrent client is software that is used to identify and download the files from other users. It helps to coordinate the transfer and downloading of files, managing different connections and ensuring that the file is received in the correct order and without any errors. BitTorrent is used for a wide range of file types, including audio, video, software, and other types of files.
No ads, and enough information to keep me busy.
RetroShare is not a bitorrent too!
Bundleware Tenga cuidado durante la instalación:
Discontinued The official website is no longer updated, but the forum is still active. The last official version, 0.50b Beta1, was released in March 2015 by SomeSupport. As of August 2017, fox88 / irwir still develops an unofficial version that can be downloaded from GitHub.
Warning Host IP can be used as exit nodes: it means that if some other user downloads something illegal, he might be prosecuted because his IP appears! Even on the official Tribler website, a Disclaimer says: "Don't put yourself at risk. Our anonymity is not yet mature. Tribler does not protect you against spies and government agencies."
Suspended In September 2018, once Google removed the Android app from Play Store, the team decided to close the FrostWire project: -No-longer-available-on-google-play / Latest version, 6.7.4, released on September 26, 2018, can still be downloaded from GitHub.
Bundleware As reported in VirusTotal, the installer contains Opencandy. Be careful during installation.
Discontinued No updates since 2013. YouTube integration is broken due to no updates since YouTube API changed. See changelog:
Miro is not a bitorrent client!
Discontinued The last version was released on 12/19/2015, as of 2017 the application is still stable and running.
Discontinued The program seems to be no longer updated. The latest version, 2.3.2, released in September 2016, can still be downloaded from the official website.
By jaydorsey · Oct 2015
Lea los términos de uso antes de instalar. Si acepta, la aplicación establece motores de búsqueda y páginas de inicio predeterminados para Chrome, Safari y Firefox. También incluye "asistentes de búsqueda" de Firefox y Chrome. Necesitará desinstalar y restablecer manualmente sus navegadores. No instale / elimine el paquete. Le recomiendo que no instale esta aplicación. Para Bram y su equipo: puede hacerlo mejor. [Editado por jaydorsey, 26 de octubre]
By rtrcsl · Jan 2017
El instalador de Bittorrent también instala varios programas maliciosos en su computadora. Estos son PUP (programas potencialmente no deseados), como Spigot y varias extensiones. También altera algunas de las configuraciones de su navegador. Inmediatamente desinstalé esta aplicación basura y los PUP que venían con ella. Esto no se mantendrá. Manténgase alejado de esta aplicación a toda costa.
It is lightweight, stable, cross-platform, ad-free, highly customizable and comes with many useful features.