Camel Disc Catalog


  • Libre
  • Windows

Camel Disc Catalog is a comprehensive app (or website) for organizing and cataloguing video game discs. It allows users to easily manage their collection by entering the title of each game, the platform it is played on, the year of release, and a number of other attributes. The app also provides access to a large online database of video games, allowing users to quickly search for information about a game, such as its artwork, release date, and other details. Additionally, Camel Disc Catalog allows users to keep track of their personal collection, with the ability to add and remove games from their library, mark games as owned or borrowed, and rate them. This information can then be shared with others, allowing users to find gamers with similar tastes. Finally, the app also provides users with the ability to create a wishlist of games they would like to purchase in the future.

Games Video and movie applications
