Backdrop CMS


  • Libre
  • Web
  • Self-Hosted

Backdrop CMS is an open source content management system (CMS) that is designed to be easy to use, flexible, and powerful. It is built on top of PHP and MySQL, and provides a comprehensive set of features for creating and managing content-driven websites. Backdrop CMS is designed to be both user friendly and extensible. It provides a user-friendly interface for creating, editing, and managing content, and also offers extensive customization options for developers. It supports themes, modules, views, taxonomies, and a variety of other features to help you create powerful and unique websites. Backdrop CMS is also highly scalable, and can be used to create websites of any size. It is built to be secure, with built-in security measures such as automated updates, secure authentication, and the ability to create users with different levels of access. It also supports a wide variety of third-party plugins and themes, allowing you to further customize and extend your website.

Development software and applications Social and communication
