Ghost is an open source software platform designed for professional bloggers, publishers and developers to create and manage engaging online publications. It provides a powerful, customizable, and well-documented platform for creating modern web applications. Ghost has a streamlined user interface that allows users to quickly create, edit, and manage content for their websites with ease. It also provides an extensive range of features, such as post and page creation, multi-user support, search engine optimization, content scheduling, and more. Ghost also includes advanced features such as membership features, content syndication, e-commerce integration, and more. Ghost is highly extensible and can be customized to fit any need. It is available in both free and paid versions, with the paid version providing additional features and support. Ghost is a great solution for those who want to create and manage their own online publications.
Wordpress se basa en el código fuente abierto, está más establecido en este campo y tiene una gama mucho mayor de funcionalidades, especialmente. a pesar de su sistema de plugin impulsado por la comunidad. WP es más complicado también, pero probablemente la alternativa "por defecto", si tiene que haber una.