Auslogics Registry Cleaner is a powerful and efficient tool designed to help users clean up and optimize their Windows registry. It scans the registry for invalid entries, corrupt files, and incorrect settings that can cause errors and slow down the performance of the computer. It then provides a list of potential problems and fixes them automatically or recommends them for manual repair. This tool allows users to review the changes before applying them to the registry. It also includes a backup and restore feature that allows users to easily undo any changes made. Auslogics Registry Cleaner is a great way to keep your computer running smoothly and efficiently.
Cleans only known registry keys, safer than randomly deleting the key that other registry cleaners / optimizers consider useless.
Bundleware Tenga cuidado durante la instalación:
Bundleware The installation may contain adware. Be careful during installation:
Bundleware El instalador contiene adwares. Tenga cuidado durante la instalación:
Bundleware The installer contains adware and possibly other malware. Be careful during installation:
FCorp Software's discontinued development was discontinued in 2016. The latest version of Cleaner ++, released in July 2016, is still available for download from SoftPedia.
By mlemmark · Aug 2017
No es una aplicación confiable. Puede hacer lo mismo que buscar en regedit por un término. Si intenta eliminar el registro "Auslogics" utilizando el programa, intentará hacer una copia de seguridad de los archivos para evitar que limpie los archivos de registro que el programa deja en todo alrededor de su computadora. También me di cuenta de que deja un PUP en su computadora después de haberlo "eliminado" por completo. El programa AdwCleaner ha encontrado esto en mi registro: PUP.Optional.AuslogicsDriverUpdater, [Key] - HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ AuslogicsOddly suficiente Nunca he instalado la Actualización del controlador de Auslogics y al buscarlo descubrí que ni siquiera existe como un solicitud. lol. [Editado por mlemmark, 12 de agosto] [Editado por mlemmark, 31 de mayo] [Editado por mlemmark, 04 de agosto]
Bundleware: the software tries to install Avast too: Spyware, runs in the background and collects information to send to Avast. Background mode can be disabled, but is re-enabled on every run: occasionally displays pop-up ads throughout the system