Android-x86 is an open-source project that enables users to run the Android operating system on their computer or laptop. It is based on the Android Open Source Project and runs on x86-based computers, including laptops and netbooks. It provides users with a complete Android experience, including access to the Play Store, Google Play Services, and the ability to run apps created for the Android platform. In addition to allowing users to run Android applications, Android-x86 also provides users with the ability to customize their system with various operating system options, such as the ability to dual boot between Windows and Android, install multiple versions of the Android OS, and run Linux applications on the Android platform. Android-x86 also provides users with access to the latest Android version updates, as well as bug fixes and security patches.
Bundleware The emulator automatically installs sponsored Android applications along with your own.
Bundleware Attempts to install Avast Antivirus may be rejected.
Discontinued The Jide company decided to discontinue the Remix OS project and concentrate its efforts on the enterprise space: At this time, the latest version, 3.0.207, released in November 2016, can still be downloaded From the official website.
Because it is an operating system, not an emulator.
Warning: Andy OS apparently installs a GPU Miner together with the Android emulator.
Bundleware The installer may contain adware. Be careful during installation:
Discontinued Myblox Emulator is discontinued, see more here:
Discontinued It has been a long time since this application has received updates ...
By RemovedUser · Jul 2018
Sujeto a la versión 6.0 + Great Function y Open SourceCons Stability, este software está diseñado para que los desarrolladores prueben y prueben ciertos aspectos del entorno Android. Es fácil de implementar en una máquina virtual. Nota Recientemente, cuando se trata de implementarlo en una máquina limpia como un sistema operativo limpio, no se puede cargar y configurar en grub booter [Editado por c0013, 24 de julio]
By Shojimeguro · Mar 2017
Desafortunadamente, este emulador es difícil de configurar; en primer lugar, requiere de un Software de Virtualización como Virtualbox para ejecutarse, y su instalación es más lenta, la velocidad es muy lenta, lo que llevó incluso más de 60 segundos en arrancar por completo, y 5 segundos de retraso. todas las operaciones, como abrir aplicaciones, etc., por lo que este emulador NO SE RECOMIENDA especialmente si desea jugar juegos o algo así.
Bundleware The emulator automatically installs sponsored Android applications along with your own.