Bliss Os


  • Libre
  • Android
  • Android-x86
  • Phoenix OS
  • Chromium

Bliss OS is an open-source, Android-based operating system developed by the team at BlissRoms. It is designed to run on a variety of devices, ranging from smartphones, tablets, and PCs. It is based on the popular Android-x86 project, providing an Android-compatible environment running on an x86 processor architecture. Bliss OS provides a smooth, intuitive user experience with a wide range of features, such as multi-window support, custom themes, and a variety of customization options. The operating system also comes with a wide range of apps and services, such as Google Play Store, Google Chrome, and more. Bliss OS offers a secure and private environment, with built-in security features such as encryption and data protection. In addition, it is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest version of Android.

Development software and applications Network and administration applications OS and utilities
