Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud


  • Freemium
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Web

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a cloud computing platform that provides on-demand access to virtual computing resources, including compute power, storage, databases, analytics, and more. It helps users to quickly launch virtual machines (VMs) with different configurations, allowing them to scale up or down with ease. With Amazon EC2, users can rent computers on which to run their applications and pay only for the resources they actually use. Amazon EC2 also provides users with the ability to easily deploy applications and manage them from the cloud. Additionally, Amazon EC2 provides users with the ability to securely access and manage their applications and data from anywhere in the world. Amazon EC2 is an ideal platform for businesses and developers who need flexible, reliable, and cost-effective access to computing resources.

Development software and applications Online services software and applications
